Blog Posts
Deliberate Practice & Self-Reinvention, Open Sourced.

A Week in the Life of a DAO Core Contributor
Initially, I was dong my role part-time. Now I'm kicking things up up a notch and going full time at Cabin. Here's the full time core contributor schedule I've been following for the past few weeks.

Owners, Not Mercenaries: Why Working Exclusively for Tokens Is Web3 Privilege (and What to Do About It)
Web3 has made great strides in using tokens to compensate work. But if we stop here, then we've just built another version of the soulsucking gig economy, albeit with more community and fancier technology.

CabinDAO: LARPing as a City State
CabinDAO is an online and IRL community using blockchain technology to help creators make a living online. This essay is an exploration into how the DAO came to be, including the projects and problems it’s trying to solve.

DAO Leadership as Showrunning: What Do Core Contributors Do?
A DAO grows when people start believing in and opting into its narrative, the future it wants to realize. Guild leaders or core contributors find the best way to disseminate this vision as widely and quickly as possible.

Reflecting on the Past Month: Building My Content & Distribution Flywheels
This essay you’re reading is the 4th and final longform piece I’ll be publishing as part of cohort 3 of the Creator Cabins Residency. Here I break down my content creation and distribution flywheels and outline what’s next for my writing. This essay is kinda like an investor memo for you and I hope you enjoy it.

Work to Live, Instead of Live to Work: How I’m Doing It
By using our excitement, enjoyment, and creativity as our north star, we can build practices and systems to avoid the stop-start nature of burn out.

Becoming Autotelic: The Part About the Flow State that No One Talks About
Autotelic is defined as “a self that has self-contained goals, one that easily translates potential threats into enjoyable challenges, and therefore maintains its inner harmony.”

How to Write a Curation Newsletter (Consistently & Sustainably)
Five recommendations for busy people who want to start newsletters, quickly and easily.

The Best of James Clear’s 3-2-1 Newsletter
James Clear's newsletter give us insights on how to become a functional adult human being. This leads into a fulfilling life of purposeful work, enjoyable fun, and life-giving relationships

How to Enjoy Reading Books
The point is to learn to enjoy the very act of reading, not to consume knowledge. Knowledge comes as a consequence of turning reading into an enjoyable hobby.

Why I Don't Use Blinkist or Read 50 Books in a Year
I have beef with people who read book summaries or use Blinkist for productivity.

Why Freedom & Choice Don't Bring Happiness
Freedom is merely a means to an end. That's the paradox of freedom and happiness.

How to Enjoy Boring Tasks
How do you learn to enjoy boring tasks? Life is full of boredom and routine. Many times, these actions are meaningless or useless. Learning to enjoy them helps us avoid the game of waiting -- waiting for the next event to gives us excitement, for the next person to make us feel something, for the next task to make us happy.

The Secrets of 21st Century Polymaths
How to see what no one else sees, think like no one else does, & solve problems only you can solve